Not because you can’t sleep….
But because He makes you want to stay awake!
A theatrical extravaganza that is crafted to take you through the astounding journey into a distinct world of mind enchantment.
Enjoy being transported to a place of illusion that is implanted in your mind to have an unravelling experience.
The immense feeling of ecstatic sensation would leave you awestruck and keep you awake in the wee hours – Is the magic of Insomnia!
Come, be part of the expedition to the unknown realms of the human mind!
Experience Aathi’s enchantment that is captivating and mesmerizing….

Mentalist Aathi

Aathi, one of a kind artist of our times, comes with advanced skills in observation, deduction and psychological trickery.
Apart from being a gifted mentalism performer, he is also a writer, motivational speaker, and an influencer. Down the years he has awed his audience with his spot-on performances. He has also extended his domain to corporate firms, where he guides the participants in personality development by helping them inculcate a positive body language and improved inter-personal skills.
Aathi and his team have been working on designing an academic event specially for school children, their parents and teachers.
Inspired by his work, the Indian film industry had brought out three blockbuster Indian movies having a mentalist as a protagonist assisting investigations, portrayed loosely based on Mentalist Aathi